Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cleo's Pick o' the week - Sick Puppies "My World"

I like this one... It's a wee bit heavy, but I like it nonetheless. I was introduced to Sick Puppies by a coupla cool friends. (They're like totally obsessed. I would so never get all crazy over some band. Seriously. What a bunch of weirdos.) I must admit that while I'm old and must be in the mood for some of their stuff- I like the sounds these Sick Puppies make. And no one has ever feat=ured them on the blog before... so that pretty much makes me the coolest.

I will be totally shocked if Gingie doesn't like this. Chops- well, they aren't a bunch of lesbians singing folk songs, so the jury's out on him, but he just might surprise me. Mrs. McGee would love it though, of that I'm fairly certain. Amberd and Cdahle- well, it apprears that they have fallen off the face of the earth (which makes me sad, BTW) but I think Cdahle for sure would like it.

Anywoo- here ya go....

Oh and Captain- you should be plenty familiar with these Aussies, no?


Unknown said...

YAY!! you FINALLY put them up :) They're newer CD is quite as heavy for the most part, but i knew you would love them.

Chops McGee said...

I for one am very happy for the young man. He obviously needs money for food and a new place out of his parents basement. I hope he hooks up with the chick with the exploding toilet psychic power. I think they would make a cute couple. I bet if they practiced and teamed up they could make much bigger things blow up with their minds.

Also, no, I do like their music

FanStacia said...

First off, apparently the only way to get Chops' attention this days is to be mean to him. Luckily, I'm totally cool with that.

As for the music...ahh...I'm kinda on the fence. It sort of creeped me out.

But, Chick bass players rock!!! I need to learn me how to play some bass.

yusuf said...


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