A few weeks ago Cleo made a comment disparaging Chopsies "Ladies" play list on his ipod. I am here to redeem Chops' honor by saying that I have a similar play list on my ipod titled..."Da Boyz". Maybe redeem isn't the right word because in all honesty this could just make things worse for our poor Chops and myself because Cleo can be brutal!!!
I just need to put this out there in case you didn't know...I like men...a lot!! And if they can sing, well, that just bumps them higher up the list. A little vice I picked up in high school that I haven't quite been able to shake after all these years. It causes me to overlook certain character (Tyson Ritter not showering but twice a year), and cosmetic (Gary Lightbody's wretched teeth) flaws that I would normally find revolting.
Anyway...back to men. I scrolled through my play list about 5000 times and tried to narrow it down to my top 5. It was excruciating, but I'm feeling good about the results.
Okay...so I am already prepared for Cleos grief on this one, but I don't care. I love Damian Rice and I think he does an amazing job on this song. How many people sound this fantastic live? Love him, love him, love him!!!!
James Morrison is going to be representing my British boys today. Just take life as it comes. Sometimes you need a good storm to appreciate the calm. Please Don't Stop the Rain.
The first time I heard Mat Kearney sing I thought he was Adam Duritz from Counting Crows. This is his latest single Closer to Love. This song is a testament of how much we need people in our lives. We drift, we fall and a lot of times we suffer alone. It's an amazing thing to have someone you can always turn too.
I listened to this song on repeat for about a week and a half straight when I first heard it. So great. And unfortunately, so true. Jon McLaughlin...Beautiful Disaster.
And number 1...drum roll please... Jason Mraz. And I have to say that this was exceptionally difficult for me. I would like to post every note that has ever come out of the mans mouth, but we already have one exceptionally biased blogger, who may or may not, over post her favorite band.
And there they are...my top 5 favorite men folk. Next to Chops and cdahle, of course.
Other Fish in the Sea...
14 years ago
Gotta admit that I love this. Jason Mraz is underrated in my opinion.
Oh and I certainly do NOT over post... one cannot over post when one is faced with greatness.
I'm just sayin'.
James Morrison is my new boyfriend. You can't have him.
You can have him. I'm going to make out with Gary on the 5th of October. But I have been listening to Please Don't Stop the Rain on Repeat since I posted this.
I know I'm obsessive. I can't help it. Also, I need waffles.
as soon as i saw the subject of this particular blog i knew it was from Beautiful Disaster :)
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