Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cleo's Retro Happiness

I cannot stand logging in and seeing Squiggy any longer. Thanks Chopsie. A whole lot.

It's no secret that I like happy music. I always have. In order to get Chop's damn post off here I tohught I'd share some older songs that have brought me joy for many years.

Come Dancing is a great little song from 1982 with a catchy lil'tune...

This is a great acoustical version of Boys Don't Cry. Oh yeah. I'm not gonna lie- I still have the poster.

You know this one by the very first guitar strum....

I love this one...Everyone needs this mental image.

A Vicar in a tutu is not strange, he just wants to live his life this way.


FanStacia said...

Oh man...Why am I smelling wet dog right now?

rebeldiamond said...

Ahhhhh the smells of summer.... Wet dog and salt water.... Kinda makes me want a Yoohoo...

FanStacia said...

Hahahah...I forgot about the yoo hoo's. How the heck did we ever drink that stuff?


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