Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Metric- Sick Muse

This one's going out to a not-so-special-dirt-bag-player with no sense of humor.

This loser wouldn't know funny even if it DID text him back.

You know who you are.

Watch out Cupid
Stuck me with a sickness
Pull your little arrows out
Let me live my life

You had better back off.

Leave my girl alone.


FanStacia said...

Thanks Cleo. You know I love your guts. Thanks for having my back wigga. Wait...this song was for me, right? LOL!!!

rebeldiamond said...

of course it's on your behalf... it's not for you. I heart you- if I was dedicating a song TO you it would be a nice one.

Chops McGee said...

I gave it a week Cleo. Still dont love it. But I do really like the chorus. What else ya got?


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