Drum roll please....Introducing Gingers 2010 theme song. I am such a tard. It was here in front of me all the time. And once again the credit goes to the beautiful Brandon Flowers. How could I ever thought he would let me down? Here it is...
Come on girls and boys...Everybody make some noooooiiiiiisssseee....
Other Fish in the Sea...
14 years ago
You know my boy has got it figured out. I cannot listen to this sing without being transported to Hwy 290 with 3 queenz o' hawtness screaming every syllable at the top of their lungs.
Awwww yeah, rollin' in da Odyssey. Good times, right there.
Nothing like wrong way streets and cold waterburger to make you feel nostalgic.
Seriously. Is. A. Good. Pan. Cake. Too. Damn. Much. To. Ask? Good Hell
Can you believe that was a year ago?
I hate it when my iPod "checks" my spelling... I meant to say song not sing....
I know. It was February 3rd, right? Dang. Seems like yesterday. I miss my peeps yo. But anyway...How did I not see it Cleo? It was right there the whole time all up in my grill trying to mack me wit some jacked up teeth.
I am the damn Neon Tiger. I don't know who da hell you is though. Get on up out of my face...shoooooooot.
I must be missin something..
This is your theme song? A neon tiger running through the desert?
All I can picture is Battle Cat in slo-mo....
It is a good song though!
Wait, are you being sarcastic?
No. I'm being totally serious. I don't want to be kept, I don't want to be caged, I don't want to be damned oh hell. I don't want to be broke, I don't want to be saved, I don't want to be sol. That's totally me.
heck YES she did! great choice...i fully approve. wow - was touch and go for a while there. i applaud you for picking a song so early into 2010. I don't think i could commit yet...
but if I HAD to I'd choose anything by the Temper Trap tight now. You must have a listen to the album Conditions.
Happy New year peeps! Lets hope it's a grand one for us all.
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