When Mr. Snaps and I were kicking it in NYC our sweet little Pontiac rental car had satellite radio in it, and I got to enjoy some actual good music instead of the over processed fabricated crap they play on the actual radio. Now, Mr. Snaps is spoiled and has satellite radio in his super manly baby blue Dodge Intrepid, that he drives with pride I might add, but I do not. So, I get a little excited when I hear something new and fresh. Then I get angry when he says "you haven't heard of these guys. They've been playing them in the UK for 6 months." And I say, "Well, I'm not spoiled and get to drive around with satellite radio in my super manly baby blue Dodge Intrepid." So there!!
I don't know how it happened but I sort of got off the subject. So back to the music. I fell in love with this group in NYC. So they will forever remind me of my romantic rendez-vous with Danny Bonaduce.
I knew you wouldn't believe me if I didn't post the picture.
Anyway...I give you The Pains of Being Pure at Heart. Now, there isn't a whole lot of info available on these guys just yet, so take my word for it, they ROCK!!!
Huh.. I think I should like this. A lot. But I kinda dont. Which kinda bums me out. I liked the way both songs started but then thats all they did, just start. I kept waiting for the song to take off or hit a cool bridge but they didnt.. And now I'm stuck in a quandary. This is kinda like going to the grocery store hungry and seeing a box of chocolates that looks delicious. Everything you like is in there, nuts, caramel, nougat.. but then you eat em and its just. not. there.. Not bad, just not as good as you thought it should be. I think I'll leave this on the front table and keep nibbling. I hope it grows on me. Cause I think I should like it. But I dont. Not yet...
Also, I musta been hella wasted on that trip to NY Ginger cause I DO NOT remember that.
seriously...I need to stop rolling on the ground laughing so damn hard. When I saw this earlier Ginger, I was gonna point out that you had a MAJOR typo in there unless you did not inform me that you and Chops had run off to NYC together. The fact that Chops said he was hella wasted that weekend has me in a FIT of laughter is great! Ask cdahle...I can't stop belting out into laughter. Sorry Ginge...I didn't want to say anything until Chops got a hold of you first!!!! hehehe hohoh hahaha!
Oh man...frickin good stuff. And no, I haven't heard your songs yet. I know, I'm lazy. But this blog certainly entertains my ass! lol!
Dude!! I get confused with all these alias's. I actually didn't catch it, Jason did. He was a little stressed for a minute but I reassured him, he's good now. And I would have to be hella wasted to endure a weekend with Chops.
How the hell did you post that so fast? Are you sluffin work again?
I am sure you're a joy. I just had to save face since ya'll was picking on me. You make typos all the time and no one never says nothing. Why do you people expect perfection from me. I'm only human.
If I ever find myself on the French Riviera I would be remiss if you weren't there. Mainly because I don't think Donde esta el bano would get me very far, but also because I'm sure you know all the places to find the best cheese.
Also, I am fully aware that I used a triple negative in one of my sentences. I did it on purpose. Please don't correct my grammar now too.
Huh.. I think I should like this. A lot. But I kinda dont. Which kinda bums me out. I liked the way both songs started but then thats all they did, just start. I kept waiting for the song to take off or hit a cool bridge but they didnt.. And now I'm stuck in a quandary. This is kinda like going to the grocery store hungry and seeing a box of chocolates that looks delicious. Everything you like is in there, nuts, caramel, nougat.. but then you eat em and its just. not. there.. Not bad, just not as good as you thought it should be. I think I'll leave this on the front table and keep nibbling. I hope it grows on me. Cause I think I should like it. But I dont. Not yet...
Also, I musta been hella wasted on that trip to NY Ginger cause I DO NOT remember that.
I love it. A lot.
This is a great little group!
This music makes me happy.
seriously...I need to stop rolling on the ground laughing so damn hard. When I saw this earlier Ginger, I was gonna point out that you had a MAJOR typo in there unless you did not inform me that you and Chops had run off to NYC together. The fact that Chops said he was hella wasted that weekend has me in a FIT of laughter is great! Ask cdahle...I can't stop belting out into laughter. Sorry Ginge...I didn't want to say anything until Chops got a hold of you first!!!! hehehe hohoh hahaha!
Oh man...frickin good stuff. And no, I haven't heard your songs yet. I know, I'm lazy. But this blog certainly entertains my ass! lol!
Dude!! I get confused with all these alias's. I actually didn't catch it, Jason did. He was a little stressed for a minute but I reassured him, he's good now. And I would have to be hella wasted to endure a weekend with Chops.
Well thats not cool, Ginger. Why'd you have to go there? I'm a joy to be around.
How the hell did you post that so fast? Are you sluffin work again?
I am sure you're a joy. I just had to save face since ya'll was picking on me. You make typos all the time and no one never says nothing. Why do you people expect perfection from me. I'm only human.
If I ever find myself on the French Riviera I would be remiss if you weren't there. Mainly because I don't think Donde esta el bano would get me very far, but also because I'm sure you know all the places to find the best cheese.
Also, I am fully aware that I used a triple negative in one of my sentences. I did it on purpose. Please don't correct my grammar now too.
You make me smile Ginger.
Right back at ya!!!
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