Saturday, May 15, 2010

Probably shouldnt admit this...

We have a vendor that we use at work that consistently has the best hold music I have ever heard. The other day I was stuck for like 20 mins and this came on. When I hear something I like I usually just google a phrase of the lyrics and pull it up. But this time I couldn't quite make out enough of it to find it. Luckily I had my new phone and used Shazam and it pulled it right up. I read the lyrics, listened to it a couple times and then did a little research on the artist, Kate Earl. I was all ready to do a post and share the magic with y'all. Then I got home and looked the song up on YouTube to find a video to share. That was three weeks ago.

The ONLY videos of this song all have clips or stills of some stupid show or movie called Vampire Diaries. I have never heard of it but it looks disturbingly similar to those books Cleo is always reading. I just couldn't bring myself to post a video that cheesetacular. So I kept looking and found this one....

While I liked this video quite a bit more, I'm pretty sure I saw some nipple action right around the :49 sec mark and I'm pretty sure Mrs Chops would not approve.

So this is the one "safe" video.. But I dont really like this song as much as the other two.

Now that I think about it I probably should have put that one first....

Oh well.


rebeldiamond said...

eh. It's ok. A lot of these female singers right now sound so similar... I like it, just not enough to spend money on it.

The first song was my fave by far.

And Mrs Chops- I'm sure the nudity was like, really needed to ensure the integrity and authenticity of Kate's artistry. Chill out. She's simply perfecting her craft. Surely she wouldn't get nekkid for any other reason.

yusuf said...


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