Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I heard this song on the radio and it made me laugh out loud. And I'm not sure it was in the good way....

The video is even tackier than the song! Good times!

Call me Mr. Flintstone, baby

I need me one of them real nice Barbie necklaces. Never fear, there is time before my birthday to get me one.


FanStacia said...

Good hell. This song sucks. Thank you for the Posies palette cleanser. I could never write a rap cause I'm not clever enough to make up dumb ass meaningless words.

People tell me I'm the bestest all the time though.

Check out the sexy belly roll at 2:02.

Chops McGee said...

I think the real reason rappers "collaborate" so much is most of them are incapable of coming up with enough lyrics on their own to fill up an entire song.

yusuf said...


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