Friday, January 30, 2009
Another White Dash-Butterfly Boucher
I wanted to make a post to go along with Amberd's Death To My Hometown. There can be something very invigorating about packing up and never looking back.
"There is something deep and pulling leaving everything behind. There's something about having everything you think you'll ever need sitting in the seat next to you."
What's in that seat is different for everyone. For me, it was a handful of mixed tapes, a cooler of Pepsi and a rough tote full of shoes. I Packed up the '88 LeBaron and put 3,000 miles worth of white dashes between me and the thing that was keeping me holding on to a whole lot of pain and misery.
The only way for me to move on, was to actually move on. It wasn't easy. It was probably the most painful thing I've ever done in my life. But I made the decision, never looked back, and have never regretted it. Sometimes the only way to heal a broken heart is to give it some space. Eventually the pain becomes more tolerable, until finally it is gone altogether.
Everyone has their own way of dealing with things. For me, I needed to be able to focus on the future and what it may have held. I needed to find a new place to lay my heart.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Thursday's Throwback
This song changed my life.
It was my very first taste of music that was truly Indie in every way. My love affair with Indie has never waned. While others were loving Boys 2Men or Nirvana; I was proudly sporting my Smiths T shirt. It was hot.
This was the very first song I heard by this fabulously underrated band I and I have been in love ever since. Morrissey is brilliant. While he hates interviews and has been dubbed quite egotistical, he is actually pretty shy. He speaks his mind. He will tell you that everything you need to know about him is written in his songs. He writes music from the heart and has touched so many people's lives. Not to mention the fact that Indie music was forever changed.
When I first heard this song, I thought wow... he totally wrote this for me. I remember that night like it just happened last weekend. My mouth gets me into more trouble than I care to admit. It is been my anthem for.... well, a while.
So with that, I pay tribute to one of the best bands of all time. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you....

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Womanizer - All American Rejects
Beer bottle percussion, hairy, shirtless men sporting overalls, and the acoustic melding of sixties classics with the garbage of today deserves notice in any right. Top that with an existential discussion of the political ramifications surrounding promiscuous human relationships amongst the leaders of tomorrow and you have an intellectual brew that will challenge your perceptions and stake claim to thousands of hours of mental rigor in order to plumb the depths of the meaning contained in this four minute ditty. (That and they say "woo" a lot, but not quite in the anticipated Ric Flair way. Rather, AAR has found a way to use "woo" to establish street cred and genuine Alpha male bonifides.)
Guest Blogger -cdahle
Death to my Hometown - Logh
I can hardly wait, until I fall asleep
Tomorrow I'll throw away, everything I keep
The days I tried to cage, had already escaped
The months I tried to save, were wasted anyway
Death to your concern
Death to my return
Death to my hometown
Death to your regret
Death to my respect
Death to my hometown
I can hardly wait, until I wake again
Tomorrow when you wake........I'll be on my way
I think I love this song so much because it's about saying goodbye to the past. (Something I struggle a great deal with.) There are just somethings in life you can never return or go back your hometown. It never feels the same does it? No matter how much you crave for it to be the same....the past is never the same when you try and return to it. I pass through my hometown often, look around, and feel the emptyness. All the people have moved on. There are new buildings in empty lots where we played, or hung out after school. Death to my's simply not the same anymore.
I personally find it difficult to let go. I am a collector of momentos and people, to remind me of all the good experiences I've had in life. I have a difficult time letting go. So I gather people and relationships up and put them in glass cabinets and dust them and shine them and keep them looking pretty. But relationships don't always stay the same. They just don't. Life moves forward. People change. They dissapoint you, or impress you. You can gain valuable insights into this life through people. But they can't all fit into that glass cabinet. You have to edit, and keep the really important ones there to dust and shine.
Bonds will form, mistakes will be made. Sometimes we find a home in those relationships we form such intimate connections with. No one likes to leave home. Death to your concern, death to my return, death to your regreat, death to my respect.
.....Death to my hometown.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Tuesday is Trash Day
I just have to say that if any of you actually paid money for this, well frankly, you're a dumb ass. You are doing nothing for the American public but perpetuating the cycle of fabricated, generic, crappy music that Hollywood is pushing on us in bulk these days. I should apologize for being rude, but I can't. Sometimes the truth needs to be said OUT LOUD for people to accept it.
We are not a society of idiots. We can handle a little depth. I need to go back to my post about Snow Patrol that I made when we started this blog. Lyrical genius...but you have to actually listen to the words to get the message. We have become so complacent that if something has a catchy chorus and beat we deem it "a good song", even if it totally sucks (like the one shown above).
I don't have a problem with Britney, she has her place in the grand scheme of things... somewhere. I have a problem with those who try to tell me she can sing. So please don't send me any links to "Leave Britney Alone". I'm smart enough to not buy her albums on my own. And she is a "fantastic" mother after all.
It is time for us to put our foot down people. The rest of the world is totally schooling us in music. No more garbage. Let the true artists shine. Give them the props they deserve, and stop settling for well....trash.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Featured Artist of the Week

Saturday, January 24, 2009
The Spaceman says...
It's all in my mind!
Here's the latest from the Killers. Pretty cool stuff!
I love this! I think it really showcases their creativity and one of their very best qualities- sense of humor.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Under Construction!!!
If there is anyone you feel should be spotlighted let us know. I'm trying to push the idea of an AI thread to my girls here too. We love Indie, but really want to cover a plethora of music. We don't want to stick with one genre. Sadly, I'm sure, none of us know much about country music so....I don't think it will be featured that often.
Anywho... Being that it is 2AM, and I am fighting delirium, I will bid thee adieu. Until we met again....Don't give up on us.....The awesomeness we promised will not be far behind.
Get on Your Boots!!
And i just got to say...for old dudes....they still got it. I was pleasantly surprised by this track. Hope you like it.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Gives You Hell
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Cool Mash Up- "When You Were Starlight"

Holy Crap! What a great thing this is! Please forgive me if you've already heard this one, but I thought it was totally worthy.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Welcome, Friends
Outside the sun is shining, it seems like Heaven ain't far away."
Music is the universal language. We created this blog because we love music. We love the emotions it causes us to feel. We love the way a great lyricist can make us think. Words put to music can cause any number of feelings and thoughts.
Those feelings and thoughts change depending on what's going on in our life when we hear that song. The first time you hear a song, you may not be overly impressed, but upon further listening and contemplation, that song may speak to you in a way that nothing else can.
It has always impressed me that someone can take raw human emotion such as heart break or loss and allow those emotions to convey themselves in song. What courage it takes to bear your soul and allow the entire world in on your innermost feelings and desires. Hopes and dreams are laid bare for anyone to criticise and reflect upon. The pressure to produce better music is never ending.
We will do our best to bring you the latest news, interviews and our own musical reviews. We hope you enjoy our site!
Welcome, Musical Collaberators!!!
In these ever changing times of turmoil and strive we are constantly seeking out the ties that bind. We, here at songs for the semi sane,think that music is that connection. It has a way of bridging divides and healing hearts that no other manner of communication can ever compare too.
Whatever your genre: Rock, Alternative, Hip-Hop, Rap, Jazz, R&B, Country etc...etc... You are welcome here in our musical community. We hope you'll flag this blog and pass it on to your friends. Post comments, make suggestions, share your stories.
I'd like to start off by posting, perhaps, one of the greatest love songs of the last decade. Gary Lightbody is a lyrical genius, in my opinion, and I dare you to not swoon just a little as he sings: "Light up, Light up. As if you have a choice. Even if you cannot hear my voice. I'll be right beside you dear."
Enjoy!!! Then let's chat!!!