It's Thursday- that means we're getting in our time machine and gonna go back to a time that makes me happy. I'm talking the 80's baby! Grab your leg warmers and your Rainbow Brite doll and get comfy.
This song changed my life.
It was my very first taste of music that was truly Indie in every way. My love affair with Indie has never waned. While others were loving Boys 2Men or Nirvana; I was proudly sporting my Smiths T shirt. It was hot.
This was the very first song I heard by this fabulously underrated band I and I have been in love ever since. Morrissey is brilliant. While he hates interviews and has been dubbed quite egotistical, he is actually pretty shy. He speaks his mind. He will tell you that everything you need to know about him is written in his songs. He writes music from the heart and has touched so many people's lives. Not to mention the fact that Indie music was forever changed.
When I first heard this song, I thought wow... he totally wrote this for me. I remember that night like it just happened last weekend. My mouth gets me into more trouble than I care to admit. It is been my anthem for.... well, a while.
So with that, I pay tribute to one of the best bands of all time. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you....

This song changed my life.
It was my very first taste of music that was truly Indie in every way. My love affair with Indie has never waned. While others were loving Boys 2Men or Nirvana; I was proudly sporting my Smiths T shirt. It was hot.
This was the very first song I heard by this fabulously underrated band I and I have been in love ever since. Morrissey is brilliant. While he hates interviews and has been dubbed quite egotistical, he is actually pretty shy. He speaks his mind. He will tell you that everything you need to know about him is written in his songs. He writes music from the heart and has touched so many people's lives. Not to mention the fact that Indie music was forever changed.
When I first heard this song, I thought wow... he totally wrote this for me. I remember that night like it just happened last weekend. My mouth gets me into more trouble than I care to admit. It is been my anthem for.... well, a while.
So with that, I pay tribute to one of the best bands of all time. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you....

aaaahh! I seriously love this song. It completely reminds me of my college days. Mostly of my old roomie Wendy. *sigh* The days of our youth. Sweetness. Thanks for the memories Cleopatra Jones!
And may I just reitterate....I have been sweated on by Morrisey...thank you very much. AND he is coming to St. Louis. Hmmmm?
Okay...this is by far my favorite Smiths song ever!!! I suffer from foot in mouth disease so this pretty much sums up my life.
But...Do you see what I'm saying about his hair. Still the same after 20 years.
Love it!!!
Wow... way to ruin the Smiths for me Cleo. Seriously, bravo. Not to be melodramatic but Morrisey has one of those unique, once in a generation voices thats instantly identifiable. He carries so much emotion without getting all syrupy and over the top.
And then I saw him dance. Could he be any whiter? I thought it might be a fluke but then I found this too...
Seriously, an 11 yr old from Omaha on Benadryl has more rhythm than that. I mean really, that was the best he could do? How did his manager or Johnny Marr, or anyone not pull the lad aside somewhere along the line and tell him "Morrisey, you got the hair and voice, but listen, from now on just stand and sway, all right? You cant be good at everything." Maybe thats why he's "bisexual". He'd love to get with women but whenever he gets alone with them they get all swoony and all "ooooh, Morrisey, sing something for me..." and then hes all "Ok baby, just this once." And then he starts doing his imitation of a 7th grader at his first boy/girl dance and the girl suddenly gets all "Oh, I just remembered I have to get the chicken out to defrost for lunch tomorrow." And poor sad Morrisey is left with nothing but memories of the time he sweated on Amberd....
The Smiths. Yes. In High School I once considered saving my virginity for Morrissey (however unrealistic that may have been). Unhappy Birthday was another I enjoyed in my high school days- a tribute to a loser boyfriend.
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