Saturday, May 2, 2009

Swine Flu or just Landon Pigg?

I'm just re-falling in love with him today. I can't help it. He's got great hair.

Falling in Love in a Coffee Shop

Can't Let Go - Landon Pigg


FanStacia said...

Falling in love in a coffee shop is now one of my all time favorite songs. I have frightening flash backs of almost being driven into a ditch while someone was driving at 70 mph while frantically searching for this song on their zune just so they could play it for me. I don't know why that happens.

amberd. said...

Yah, not sure where you'd get that from! But DANG that is a good song. You know I banned it. I haven't listened to it in over a year and I only played it that one time for you. Now I've dug it out of the archives. I'm torturing myself with Landon's hair. He's just hot. Strangely hot. Dang.


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