Monday, December 7, 2009

Don't Shoot Me Santa- The Killers

As promised, it's Monday and I am here with a killer Christmas song.

One thing that peeps in real life know about me is that I think there is NOTHING
sexier than a beautiful man that can make me laugh. Well, except maybe 4 of them.

I'm not talking only outside beauty here, either. I'm not that shallow. I love my boys. TONS. I think that their humor is priceless and diabolical. And I love dark humor.

Also- Somebody told me that this is a favorite in our home. All the pretty faces like it. Every time it comes on they smile, (and they smile like they mean it, too). Forget about what I said earlier, I love this song down to my bones. Read my mind and you'll see that it's always on my list of favorites. The Starmaker was right, Mr. Brightside is a friend of mine. He would never leave me crying in the cold wet dirt after a midnight show.

Without further adieu, I leave you with one of my favorite Christmas songs.


FanStacia said...

You're such a dork. Hope you had a good birfday.

Doc said...

nice one...

FanStacia said...

Also, if the peeps don't start editing the html code to a 400 width I may have to kick you in the throat. Twice!!!

Anonymous said...

Surreal and scary (and that's just the sweater Brandon's wearing!) this is THE Christmas song as far as I am concerned. No amount of Elton John or Mariachi can beat it. God bless the Killers...xx

amberd. said...

Lovin the song references Cloe. you crack me up! I LOVE this song! I agree with the captain! This is THE song of Christmas. Woot!

yusuf said...


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