Wednesday, December 23, 2009

This is How I'm Feeling

Well, I have 119 unanswered emails in my inbox and 6 "Urgent" voicemails but Imogen Heap, Ginger and Cleo just convinced me to unplug. I listened to "Hide and Seek" 5 times straight and I can finally breathe again. Thanks Ginger, I should have sat down and listened to that a LONG time ago. I really mean it, thanks. I have been a crappy friend and I'm sorry. I'll try and do better. And thanks for not lettin me slip away.

I dont have much time to find anything deep or new, my commutes have been filled with phone calls and texts instead of Pandora's sweet, sweet musical nectar.

So all I can do is say I'm sorry again. And give you something that I hope you dont already have.

Try and overlook Mick's fantastically British dental work and enjoy.

Now turn it up... WAY up....

And once more, I'm sorry, and thanks for being better friends to me than I have been to you.


FanStacia said...

Chops, I love the hell out of you. Hope you have a fabulous Christmas. And thank you, so very much for the hot British teeth. Damn that's sexy.

Doc said...

Merry Christmas to you and all the cast of Songs for the Semi Sane from the crew over at YJKOBT !!

yusuf said...


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