Saturday, December 19, 2009

This is how I'm feeling today...


rebeldiamond said...

Worried about your mental state, but other tyhan that- I'm diggin'...

Prolly too soft and sad for me to listen to on a daily basis, but I like it.

FanStacia said...

There is nothing wrong with my mental state. I just like this song. Did you know she was the singer from Frou Frou? Well, now you do.

Chops McGee said...

I could listen to this song all. Day. Long.

It slows down my heart rate, makes me breathe deeply, makes my shoulders un-tense and I friggin love it.

Imogen is a homely, homely girl, but she can rock that auto tune and she is a fantastic artist.

Thanks Gingie, that was exactly what I needed!

FanStacia said...

you're welcome Chops. I love it too. And I think Santa should bring me an auto tuner for Christmas. Wouldn't that be so much fun to play with. I would leave voice mails to every person I know.

yusuf said...


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