Thursday, December 31, 2009
Manly Music (or) Songs Cleo Will Most Likely Hate
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
This is How I'm Feeling
Monday, December 21, 2009
Lost...One Creepy Irish Bartender
Joseph, Better You Than Me- THe KilLeRs
Well, ya just can't.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Gingers Pick of the Week...Ingrid Michaelson
People become selfish in relationships. When they see that someone is willing to give and give with no thought for themselves, it becomes easy to take and give nothing in return. So stop giving and being left unfulfilled. Let them see what they'll be missing out on when you walk away. And the future...they'll come back. And if not, you deserve better anyway.
Ingrid Michaelson...Maybe...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
A Great Big Sled- The Killers
Big friggin' deal.
Get over it.
I promised to post this on Monday, but I was a little busy with you know,
I really love this song. I know that it's kinda shocking seeing how I despise the Killers. I mean, I hate them. A lot. Brandon can't even sing worth crap. Seriously. The other guys aren't talented either.
See- told ya I was a liar. You know my love is true. I can't live without my boys. I heart them to death. They are magnificent.
Here's some info about the song. It was recorded in mid-November 2006 with record producer Alan Moulder as the band's Christmas 2006 single. Moulder's wife Toni Halliday, the former lead vocalist of Curve, is featured on backing vocals.
The song was released December 5, 2006 as a download from iTunes. All of the proceeds went to AIDS charities as part of Bono's RED campaign. A music video was released for the single, containing candid clips of the band members participating in various holiday celebrations.
Here ya go!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Don't Shoot Me Santa- The Killers
One thing that peeps in real life know about me is that I think there is NOTHING
sexier than a beautiful man that can make me laugh. Well, except maybe 4 of them.
I'm not talking only outside beauty here, either. I'm not that shallow. I love my boys. TONS. I think that their humor is priceless and diabolical. And I love dark humor.
Also- Somebody told me that this is a favorite in our home. All the pretty faces like it. Every time it comes on they smile, (and they smile like they mean it, too). Forget about what I said earlier, I love this song down to my bones. Read my mind and you'll see that it's always on my list of favorites. The Starmaker was right, Mr. Brightside is a friend of mine. He would never leave me crying in the cold wet dirt after a midnight show.
Without further adieu, I leave you with one of my favorite Christmas songs.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Where are you Christmas?
So, I got to thinking...What gives you joy Ginger? Not the fleeting kind that disappears when you get the credit card bill or step on the scale. But real, kick you in the crotch, joy. The answer was
Fortunately for you, this is a music blog, not a sex blog. So you get the second thing that came to mind. My top 5 all time favorite Christmas songs. And here they are...
#5 What's Christmas without John Denver...and alcohol. Not that my dad EVER passed out underneath our Christmas tree or anything. But you know, stuff happens. Especially around the holidays.
#4 This song makes me think of my Bumpa. He sounds EXACTLY like Jim Reeves when he sings. Also, this will help you take off a few of those holiday pounds. Put this bad boy on repeat for an hour and dance around the living room. Works every time.
#3 Ahhh...Best of both worlds. Sex and music all wrapped up in one beautiful man.
#2 I love love love this song. It makes me think of my momma. Who, by the way, is the coolest mom in the whole world. She rocks...Hard. One time we sat around and tried to name everyone by voice alone. She kicked all of our asses. She actually knew the name of the lead singer of Spandau Ballet. It's Tony Hadley, by the way.
#1 I don't care what you say this is the greatest Christmas song EVER. Poke fun if you want. I love it and I'm not ashamed.
She Won't Be Home
Keven | MySpace Video
Well, there they are. My top 5 favorite Christmas songs. I hope they give you as much joy as they do me. Happy Christmas.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Gingers Pick With An Egregious Amount Of Profanity...
Not that this song has anything to do with Cleo or her birthday, except that it's almost as old as her, I just felt it could be pulled off after her song dropped the f bomb a bazillion times. So here it is...Dynamite Hack Boyz in the Hood.
Cleo's Pick o' the week
This one goes out to my girlies!
WARNING: There is a teeny tiny bit of profanity up in here. Ok, fine....there's a lot. If that offends you, I don't suggest you watch it.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Happy Birthday Guadalupe- The Killers
We saw Mariachi El Bronx when they opened for The Killers. Pretty tough gig, if you ask me. The peeps weren't diggin' it.
The lead singer, full of beer and passion, said that it took "A lot of balls get up in front of you assholes and play Mariachi music." Amen brotha.
I kinda liked it. Their outfits were cool too.
So, one thing I love about my boys is that their Christmas songs are always unconventional, but they still grasp the meaning of the season.
What do y'all think about this one?
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Gingers Pick of the week....Unkle Bob
Okay...don't give me crap about my sad ass music. This is good stuff. Just read what this dude said...And don't give me crap about being to lazy to write my own blog post. I haven't slept much this weekend. I'm tired.
They’ve only sold 10,000 albums; they’ve only had 100,000 songs downloaded; their sublime Swans tune has only featured once in the climax to a Greys Anatomy storyline (thus inspiring hundreds of college kids to make their own Swans Youtube videos) - but they are still Unkle Bob and they are still one of the most gorgeous, uplifting, lonely and revealing bands on the planet. They self-released their debut album, Sugar and Spite, back in October 2006 to huge critical acclaim (yes, that old chestnut) and are now set to release Satellite/Bad Dream through iTunes and Amazon on April 6th 2009. Both songs are a gritty foretaste of the band’s second album, due for release early next year. In amongst the manufactured pop drivel, the excitable indier-than-thou new Smiths-elects and the R & B soundalikes you too may have had the good fortune to have stumbled upon something quite special. Phill Savidge
There you go. Unkle Bob. Waaayyy better than your Unkle Bob who gets drunk at family parties and tries to feel you up.
Wait...Is that just me too?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
No Reason...Really.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Here by my Side, an Angel. Here by my Side, the Devil.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Gingers Pick of the Week....Mandalay
"Is it all lost and gone? Could you give me some room? Room to be. Room to heal." Is it really possible to heal and find happiness again? Or are we just setting ourselves up for more disappointment?
People have a way of working their way into your life and heart. When you least expect it and whether you want them there or not. They get through the fortifications without you even realizing it. I think we all want to love and be loved. It's just hard to stand buck ass naked, as Ams so gracefully put it, in front of someone and say, "This is what you get. Is it going to be enough?"
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Manly Music featuring Titus Andronicus
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
My Friggin' Awesome Trip to Texas...Documented
I can't document it all cuz some things are better left unsaid. Mainly because I don't want to get Cleo in trouble. Anyway... for my birthday my peeps bought me tickets to see my boyfriend in concert. He was AMAZING. I love him. He sang just to me on many occasions. And I totally scored a set sheet that he sweated on. Also, because of Chops' mad skills with a gps and google maps we got there early enough that I could have run my fingers through his sweaty belly hair had I wanted to be pummeled by security. I didn't, cuz my hair looked fabulous, so I kept my hands to myself. I have a thing for chest hair. I can't help it. I think it's sexy. But anyway....

Ahhh yeah...That's Gary. Isn't he pretty? Even Cleo had to admit that the boy was HOT after seeing him perform. It just takes his hotness to a whole new level. Chops couldn't handle it, he had to go and sit in the lobby.
Cleo and I weren't very smart and forgot to eat before the concert. But Chops, being exceptionally sweet for a creepy Irish bartender, totally hooked us up with some tacos at the Jack in Box in the ghetto of Houston. We even got a special invite to the Pimps and Prostitute ball. Where bitch slappin' is not allowed unless yo ho be reckless eyeballin' some playa. Then you might have to represent. Said so on the invitation. But back to Gary...
About a week after the concert they released a new single which is fabulous. But I may be a little biased. I love it. Very dancy and bouncy and happy. But still has Gary's amazing lyrics. Even Cleo could find no fault when I sent it to her. That's saying something.

I just wanted to take a minute to tell Cleo and Chops how much I love them and how much fun I had. You guys are the best!!!
Oh, and Chops is the one with the chops in the pictures.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Whatcha think about this one????
Influences:Yoko Ono, Elvis, David Bowie, Morrissey, Queen, Robert Smith, Robert Plant, Freddy Mercury, Prince, Rod Stewart, Thomas Dolby, Depeche Mode, The Faint, Radiohead, Beck, Franz Ferdinand, The Cure, Nine Inch Nails, Grace Slick & Jefferson Airplane, Queen, Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Nirvana, Talking Heads,The Scissor Sisters, The Dresden Dolls, Mika, She Wants Revenge, Janis Joplin, Jenny Lewis, Joy Division, New Order, The Killers, Justin Warfield, Chuck Berry, BuckCherry, Billy Idol, White Stripes, Strokes, Blondie, Pat Benetar, Rilo Kiley, Elton John, Jerry-Lee Lewis, John Lennon, The Beatles. Drag queens in general. Jimmy Choo. Hot Groupie chicks. Hairspray *not the musical. Black Eyeliner. Strippers. Sequins. D-I-S-C-O
Sounds Like: Gaga
Her Male Equivalents: elton john, freddy mercury, boy george,& john lennon in wig and fishnets at studio 54.
This one's for my girlie...
While quite polarizing by nature, Lady Gaga certainly keeps her fans and foes talking. Whether you like her or not, the girl has some wicked talent and creativity.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Manly Music Monday
Okay so it sounds a little bit like it belongs on the High School Musical's just so cute. It makes me dance around my living room. And who needs a little happy more than me? NO ONE I TELL YOU!!!!!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Ahhh...The Beauty of Technology....
I am here to give us all back a little hope. We can all be famous, with no natural talent WHATSOEVER!!!! It's called an auto tuner people. And it's fantastico!!! Just look at what this dude did for Bill Nye the Science Guy.
In conclusion...The words of a truly talented, and one of my all time favorite men, Mr. Ben Folds..."I take the checks and face the facts, that some producer with computers fixes all my shitty tracks."
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
A White Demon Love Song
Seeing that my boyfriend is in this band, you know that I am obligated to post this. I know I will get crap from certain blogmates, but I can take it. I'm tough.
Before I begin, I'd like to say a very special thank you to my great friend the Captain for hooking me up well in advance....
I must be honest with you. I'm not sure how I feel about this one. It's a real departure. Part of me likes it, and part of me just isn't quite sure what to think. So naturally, I come to the place where I know people will be honest. Whether I like it or not. I bring to the table the greatest gift that can be bestowed. 'Tis the gift of music, my good friends.
Listen carefully and cast your vote- Yea or Nay?
Please enjoy.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Manly Music Monday
Saturday, August 29, 2009
The Return of Manly Music Monday Part Deux...Them Crooked Vultures
Playing all the British festivals right now. Hopefully in a pub near you soon!
Manly is back!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Return of Manly Music Monday
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Gingers Pick of the Week....Cyndi Lauper
When I was in the 4th grade my dad gave me a silver walk man for my birthday. You know one of those old ones that only had fast forward, so if you wanted to rewind you had to pull the cassette out, flip it around, fast forward it then put it back in. Along with it was, Cyndi Laupers She's so Unusual. Yes, this was my very first ever cassette tape. Everyday when I got home from school I would put on my roller skates, pop that bad boy in the walk man and be gone until the street lights came on. We weren't allowed to play outside after the streetlights came on. For safety reasons, of course. I was absolutely in love with this song. I burnt out that fast forward button rewinding it.
As I got a little bit older my fascination with Cyndi didn't fade. While all of my friends were using sharpies to draw Madonna moles on their faces,I was using orange kool aid packets to dye my hair. I don't remember if the color took as I was being beat to a bloody pulp for ruining my mothers towels. Note to reader...Kool aid stains terry cloth. Just thought you should know.
Then one of the greatest movies of all time came out. Back before Sean Astin was a fat little hobbit...he was Mikey Walsh in The Goonies, and frankly, he was adorable. Best Line.."Oh, you idiot!!! You glued it on upside down. If God made us like that, we'd all be pissing in our faces." Classic..but back to the music. Cyndi and her wrestler friends made an appearance once again with "Good Enough".
You have to scroll in about 2 minutes to get past all the dialogue. And just for the record, I would have been smokin' hot with hair that color.
Now, I'm not going to pretend that she isn't kooky, because she is. But, I think that was part of the appeal for me. Plus, she's just fantastic. You will never hear another person and say..."WOW! She sounds just like Cyndi Lauper." I don't foresee that ever happening. Ever! So, one more song. Probably my most favorite. I can listen to it on repeat for days. Believe me, I've done it.
I think Jay Leno also got his hair inspiration from Cyndi. Just sayin...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Cleo's Pick o' the week - Sick Puppies "My World"
I will be totally shocked if Gingie doesn't like this. Chops- well, they aren't a bunch of lesbians singing folk songs, so the jury's out on him, but he just might surprise me. Mrs. McGee would love it though, of that I'm fairly certain. Amberd and Cdahle- well, it apprears that they have fallen off the face of the earth (which makes me sad, BTW) but I think Cdahle for sure would like it.
Anywoo- here ya go....
Oh and Captain- you should be plenty familiar with these Aussies, no?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
My musical tribute to John Hughes
Thanks for making a bunch of gawky pre-adolescent girls feel pretty.
Don't cry Captain.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
She would change everything for a happy ever after...
I just need to put this out there in case you didn't know...I like men...a lot!! And if they can sing, well, that just bumps them higher up the list. A little vice I picked up in high school that I haven't quite been able to shake after all these years. It causes me to overlook certain character (Tyson Ritter not showering but twice a year), and cosmetic (Gary Lightbody's wretched teeth) flaws that I would normally find revolting.
Anyway...back to men. I scrolled through my play list about 5000 times and tried to narrow it down to my top 5. It was excruciating, but I'm feeling good about the results. I am already prepared for Cleos grief on this one, but I don't care. I love Damian Rice and I think he does an amazing job on this song. How many people sound this fantastic live? Love him, love him, love him!!!!
James Morrison is going to be representing my British boys today. Just take life as it comes. Sometimes you need a good storm to appreciate the calm. Please Don't Stop the Rain.
The first time I heard Mat Kearney sing I thought he was Adam Duritz from Counting Crows. This is his latest single Closer to Love. This song is a testament of how much we need people in our lives. We drift, we fall and a lot of times we suffer alone. It's an amazing thing to have someone you can always turn too.
I listened to this song on repeat for about a week and a half straight when I first heard it. So great. And unfortunately, so true. Jon McLaughlin...Beautiful Disaster.
And number 1...drum roll please... Jason Mraz. And I have to say that this was exceptionally difficult for me. I would like to post every note that has ever come out of the mans mouth, but we already have one exceptionally biased blogger, who may or may not, over post her favorite band.
And there they top 5 favorite men folk. Next to Chops and cdahle, of course.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
This is how Cleo's feelin'.... "Help, I'm Alive" by Metric
These song lyrics are perfect for me this week.
I tremble
They're gonna eat me alive
If I stumble
They're gonna eat me alive
Can you hear my heart beating like a hammer?
Beating like a hammer?
Help, I'm alive, my heart keeps beating like a hammer
Hard to be soft
Tough to be tender
Come take my pulse, the pace is on a runaway train
Help, I'm alive, my heart keeps beating like a hammer
Beating like a hammer
yeah, whatever.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Why I love Cleo....
After landing on her ass from a two story window and I ask the ridiculously stupid question of..."Did that hurt?" She stands up, brushes off her ass, smiles and says..."nope." She lied. But she makes me brave.
After an enormous amount of nagging on my part for some Jamocha Almond Fudge ice cream for my birthday party. Yeah...we weren't 12, this happened last week. "I ain't gonna judge you, but I am not going to enable you to make bad decisions." Alright, so she may not have been talking about just the ice cream. She helps me do the right thing, even when I don't want to.
Just because..."OH! HELL! NO! You are a triflin' fool and I will kick you in the throat for even suggesting that I be needin' some pink lemonade Metamucil. I take care o' my junk in da monin'. you show some RESPECT to ya eldas. Talk about some metamucil... shoooooot. And don't you be talkin' about some fried chicken. I will give you some fried chicken. Right upside yo head. Ummm-hmmm." And yes that is a direct quote. She makes me laugh with her uncanny impression of an angry black woman.
After 18 years the bonds of friendship are wound pretty tight. But never suffocating. When I feel like I just can't take it anymore, I always call Cleo because she knows exactly what I need to hear, oftentimes when I don't even know. There really aren't words to describe how precious her friendship is to me. I would strangle any one of you with hot pink snuggie and bury you in my back yard if she needed me too. I hope Josh can get the feeling across.
I love your FRICKIN guts girl!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Cleo's Pick o' the week... Redemption Song, Bob Marley
I love this dude. That's just all I can say about it. He's a freaking genius. Maybe excessive pot smoking does that to you. Not sure, but if you need me to do a little reasearch, well then I guess I could oblidge. I'm a loyal friend like that. If you could handle the greatness, that is.
I was at a dance to raise money for breast cancer research the other night and I was bouncing around like
Anywhooo.... I love this song, and I'm chillin', so I thought I'd share. The video is almost 30 (WHAT THE HELL???!!!!SHUT UP!!!!!) years old, so bear with the imperfections.
This song of freedom is all I ever had....
Monday, July 27, 2009
This is how I'm feeling today...
Some are great. Like being so overcome with happiness that you can't stop smiling. And when asked what you're smiling about the only thing you can say is, "nothing" because there aren't words to describe how you feel. Or the warmth of arms around you and breath on your neck; that makes you feel so safe you can't help but fall asleep no matter how hard you try to stay awake.
Others are painful. Having to smile while you say goodbye to someone then crumpling into a pathetic heap and sobbing for an hour because you don't know when you'll see them again. Or being so in love with someone, but knowing in your heart that they will never love you back.
Mostly, they are simple things. The smell of cologne, that even though you know it's not possible brings your head up anyway...just to be sure. The feel of the person you loves skin beneath your lips or a touch so gentle it gives you chills. A voice in your ear.
I love this song. It has nothing to do with my school girl like crush on Gary Lightbody, I assure you. It has everything to do with how someone can make you feel. Oftentimes without even knowing they are doing it. Sometimes without you even knowing they're doing it.
I'm not really sure what it is about us that makes us want to remember. Especially the painful things, but we do nonetheless. Sometimes I think it would be easier to forget,to be able to close down and walk away. But then I remember tickling and cheesy jokes and I can't help but smile. We're meant to remember. And feel. And love. And don't worry if those memories start to fade because then you'll hear a song...