I love Death Cab for Cutie -One of my favorite bands. It took a while for these guys to grow on me, but I find them to be extremely deep in their lyrical writing....that usually hooks me. I love metaphors. Sometimes I wonder if these guys are just a phase, do I love them so much because I relate to so many of their songs? Aye yie yie. I'm not sure. Here is a favorite song of mine. I think this is the one that hooked me....now I'm in love with the album Narrow Stairs. Ok, I'm in love with Plans too.
My favorite part of this song (well, OK, I'm lying, I have a few favorite parts) is when he says:
"I Wish We Could Open Our Eyes
To See In All Directions At The Same Time
Oh, What A Beautiful View
If You Were Never Aware Of What Was Around You
And It Is True What You Say
That I Live Like A Hermit In My Own Head
But When The Sun Shines Again
I'll Pull The Curtains And Blinds To Let The Light In"
I am always pulled or drawn to songs that reference light, or sun or hope. Anyhow, I love this song for lots of reasons....it represents many different things to me. I suppose that is the beauty of music though, -interpreting through your own eyes, along with your experiences and even your optimism or pessimism really. This little diddly is fantastic. I'm afraid it's leading me to a Death Cab obsessive week.
Other Fish in the Sea...
14 years ago
my music taste is so...narrow! the only thing i know about dcfc is they have a cool name and cold war kids are touring with them right now. which means they must be awesome.
Captain! Are you a CWK fans too!? If so I owe you a huuuuge apology. I muttered some unflattering things once I realized the depth of your obsession with The Killers. But if you like CWK then you cant be all that bad.. I'm so conflicted...
you have to check out Elbow. They have an awesome rendition of U2's Running to Stand Still...
and Elbow's original song "One Day Like This" is honestly the most amazing song I have heard in a long time. You HAVE to check out the video, too.
Let me know what you think of the video... I'd be curious to know if it has moved anyone the way it did me.
I should make you a list of the bands I like and give ya some songs to listen to. :)
oh chops, my killers obsession ain't nuthin' compared to my U2 obsession! it has leeeeeeeeeeeeegs! it's as old as time itself. not sure how that effects the dilemma you find yourself in.
cwk were until very recently the best live act of 09 (yes, you guessed it, until the killers at v fest.)
and btw, does mr darcy know you have his sideburns?
ps raquel - elbow, arcade fire, death cab are all on my to-do list. also the ironing.
Is this my Raquel? If it is...wow, you found the music blog and second - I KNOW you have lot's of good music up your sleeve....shooot. Also - (Raquel is U2 obsessed, FYI.) I LOVED that song by Elbow. I'm liking their sound. The video didn't quite strike me the way it did you, I mostly kept thinking he was gonna poke his eye out with that condo sign. But I did think it was artsy. Ok, I'm going to go eat my breakfast now.
Captain oh Captain.. Mr Darcy's "sideburns" are no relation to my Chops. Although I am flattered you would draw a comparison. Fitzy and I were fast friends in boarding school and I would like to think we had a strong influence on each others character.
Am...Death Cab...Red Butte Gardens...July 13th. Think about it.
Are you friggin serious? I would LOVE it!!!! I gotta see when school starts for the kiddies, but I was sorta planning on being out in Salt Lake City in June and part of July anyway. It's not for sure though, I'm so non-commital these days. I think school starts around the 17th of July. Uhm, dang...I'm so giddie!! You KNOW I heart Death Cab..shoot. Who are they playing with? I honestly will faint when they play Bigsby County Bridge...*sigh* You'll be there to catch me though -Then Grapevine Fires will come on and jolt me back awake, just in time for them to play Summer Skin....then I'll faint again. *sigh*
I promise I'll catch you. I didn't see who they were playing with. I just got an email saying they were playing. I'll check then let you know. That would be so awesome. Red Butte is small enough that if we made a big enough scene (which, this is us, so not even a question.)we would probably get to meet them. Since Cleo and Chops did Ra Ra Riot without us, then we can do DCFC without them. No Guilt!!!
dvfc at red butte?
boy i hope i am back in SLC by then in that case. they are one of the very few bands i have yet to see or meet in person that i have wanted to.
but dang, it would be HOT (temperature wise) there for a show. I saw Natalie Merchant there in August and about died. Course, I was only 4 days out of the hospital after having a c-section.
Yes, I am THAT die hard about music.
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